About Us

Team photo of Proactive Access LLC

Proactive Access LLC is a professional consulting company with an expertise in construction-related accessibility. Our mission is to help businesses navigate the complex and often misunderstood requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title 24 (California Building Code - Accessibility). When done properly, owners can effectively increase accessibility for their customers and staff while decreasing exposure to ADA lawsuits.

Our Core Values

  • Trust is at the core of any good relationship. We strive to earn the trust of our clients and community by consistently working as honest and credible consultants.

  • We aspire to help businesses provide an equal and accessible environment while recognizing that some businesses may not have the resources needed to achieve full compliance. Empathizing with the needs of people with disabilities as well as the constraints of businesses tasked with providing and accessible environment guides our efforts to improve our community as a whole.

  • An accessible environment benefits all Americans. Our purpose is to be a resource for businesses to improve accessibility for people with disabilities as well as all people that interact with the built environment.

  • We emphasize strong communication, reliability, consistency and honesty in everything that we do. Our work as disability access consultants is more than just a job. It is a commitment to providing our community with a valuable resource that brings about positive change to the world.